I recently read the book, “Younger Next Year: For Women” by Chris Crowley & Dr. Henry (Harry) S. Lodge. The book specifically targets women forty years of age and up. But as someone just outside of that range, I was able to glean a bit of good information for myself.

In all actuality, the information revealed in the book can be applied to any age group. The main idea is to slow the physical aging process based on the scientific evidence of what causes our bodies to decay over time.

The number one theme of importance is physical exercise, which I’ve talked about before. Not only does exercise slow the body’s decaying process, it’s also been linked to better vision as we age.

Chris & Harry’s Seven Rules:

The author’s of the book compiled a list of seven “rules” to minimize the aging process. The “rules” also help to maximize the journey of life (as it happens).

The following is a rundown of Chris & Harry’s Seven Rules:

1. Exercise 6 days a week for the rest of your life

Okay, this obviously sounds intimidating. But to me, there’s nothing wrong with the “all in” attitude. The “rules” explain that our bodies go into decay (or aging mode) when we’re sedentary. However, this can be reversed through regular movement.

It’s no secret that people who exercise regularly find themselves happier, healthier, and more mentally focused on a daily basis. Of course it takes effort. And it’s not always possible with our busy schedules. But the rules are what they are. Those that want it bad enough will find the time.

2. Do serious aerobic exercise 4 days a week for the rest for your life

Again, probably a little bit intimidating. But the “rules” encourage women over 40 to get their heart rate up 4 days a week. Personally, I prefer aerobic type classes (or HIIT classes), but running or using cardio machines meet the requirement as well.

3. Do serious strength training (with weights) 2 days a week for the rest of your life

This is especially important for women because weight lifting helps to prevent osteoporosis, which ultimately helps to prevent falls and other serious injuries. Lifting weights can also be a great work out if you’re pressed for time. All it takes is a detailed plan and about 25 to 30 minutes.

4. Spend less than you make


5. Quit eating crap

Again, this is something we all know, but really making this a priority ASAP is an important aspect of a long and healthy life. I usually talk a lot about the importance of anti-oxidant and Omega-3 rich foods for the benefit of our eyes. But healthy eating applies to our entire body. Just keep on adding the good stuff to eventually phase out the not-so-good stuff.

6. Care

This “rule” is slightly geared to the older generation, but can be applied by anyone. Caring about others is essential to life. The more interest we take in other people (whether it be family, friends, or colleagues) the happier we actually are.

7. Connect and commit

Again, this is important for everyone. But especially important for those who are no longer in the work force or no longer raising families. If a given person loses his/her identity, he/she can start to lose purpose. Finding people to connect with delays the aging process. And do your best to give good memories to those who you interact with.

Live in Your OcularPrime:

I’m barely scratching the surface of everything this book has to offer. I certainly can’t recommend it enough. Some of us need only a simple reminder to get back into the swing of things. Others need scientific proof. Whatever the case, a little exercise goes a long way. And making exercise a priority will take you even further.