It may sound too good to be true… but there’s a relatively new FDA-approved prescription eye drop being used to treat acquired ptosis (droopy eyelids) in adults.

UPNEEQ® – the name of RVL’s new venture into eye health, helps to open your eyes by improving low-lying lids with a once daily dose.

To explain this condition in more detail, acquired ptosis occurs when the eyelid(s) start to visibly droop more than normal, which may lead to tired-looking eyes, or result in your eyes looking smaller than they actually are.

The cosmetic effects of acquired ptosis can be stressful for certain patients, however the condition can also interfere with normal eye function, mainly the reduction of peripheral vision.

Causes of acquired ptosis include:

  • Aging
  • Genetics
  • Gas permeable contact lens wear
  • Previous eye surgery
  • Botox injections

While certain patients require surgical intervention, others have been experiencing adequate results from the non-surgical approach of UPNEEQ®. Patients who opt for UPNEEQ® see an average of about 1 mm of lift in their upper eyelid after the first use, which also improves peripheral vision as well as the appearance of the eyelids.

UPNEEQ® by the numbers:

–  In clinical trials, Upneeq® proved to be safe and effective when used as directed

–  Most patients in clinical trials experienced lift in their eyelids in as little as 2 hours

–  84% had some form of improvement

–  74% had more than a 50% improvement

–  In one study, certain patients experienced a lift in as little as 5 minutes after the first dose

Photo and statistics courtesy of Upneeq®… check out their website for more info.

Upneeq® should only be used as prescribed. Please talk with your eye doctor to discuss potential risks and to learn if Upneeq® is right for you.

Dr. Maria Pribis works in private practice in Stamford, Connecticut, where she specializes in anterior segment disease with a focus on the ocular surface. In 2015, she was named the state of Connecticut’s Young OD of the Year.