As the old saying goes, “a new year, a new beginning.” If change is what you desire in 2020, remember to set short-term, reasonably attainable goals to build momentum. And don’t throw in the towel if you steer off course. We’re all just human and we’re all striving for a safe, happy and healthy new year.

Have a safe, happy and healthy new year…

Don’t Wait for New Year’s to Make a Resolution

Resolutions play a big role in everyone’s healthy new year. In fact, I’m actually making a couple right now. However, it’s not a good idea to refuse change when change is needed. So if a particular aspect of your life is sliding, it should be dealt with in a timely manner.

In other words, a New Year’s Resolution can happen any time of the year. It could be in the dead of winter, or on the 4th of July. And it’s important to stay connected to your own personal needs. Don’t worry so much about what everyone else is doing.

Follow the Food Trends

Several new food trends gained steam in 2019. It’ll be interesting to see which ones stick in 2020. I’m rooting for the following trends:

“Real Food” – The real food movement didn’t necessarily start in 2016, it essentially kept the ball rolling. Since the movement won’t be dying out anytime soon, it’ll be interesting to see how it evolves.

The Vegetable Takeover – Once known as nothing more than a “side dish,” the resilient vegetable seems poised to become the star of the show in 2017. When asked about the resurgence, Cauliflower said, “My friends (Eggplant, Portobello Mushroom, Butternut Squash, etc.) and I are doing well these days, but we won’t rest until we push proteins off the plate.” Perhaps a little payback? Stay tuned.

Nordic Cuisine – The Mediterranean Diet received loads of praise in 2016 (don’t worry, it’s not going anywhere). But 2017 could be the year of the Nordic Diet. Nordic restaurants continue to pop up everywhere (e.g. Grand Central Station), and the movement takes full advantage of pickling/fermentation, which is a popular trend in its own right (especially when it comes to gut health).

Sustainable Seafood – This may be wishful thinking, but I’m hoping the seafood industry can make strides in 2017. Over-fishing and debatable methods of farm-raising will continue to pose questions for consumers if reasonable answers aren’t found.

Conscious Consumption – As long as we’re alive, food waste will always be a problem. But there’s got to be something we can do better in 2017. Sure, we can continue to rely on advancements in waste removal, but we can also turn to more sustainable methods of preparation and consumption (e.g. using more of the animal/vegetable, root to leaf prep techniques).

Adopt a Flexitarian Eating Style

Humans will always learn how to be more efficient. This definitely won’t change in 2017. The key with healthy eating is finding the right mix for optimal function.

For example, some people go vegan every day until dinner. Others go paleo during week, but not on weekends. Other people who eat mostly fish (or pescatarians) can go for the occasional steak or burger without feeling the shame.

As for myself, I like to go 80/20. I tend to eat healthier foods eighty percent of the time, while enjoying less healthier options the other twenty percent. I believe balance is very important in adopting a flexitarian eating style. Long-term deprivation can cause stress, which is much worse for our health than enjoying an occasional donut.

Be Creative & Use Your Imagination

Most people undervalue their own creativity. And most of us quit on our imagination years ago. However, both of these attributes can be extremely helpful. Especially, when attempting to reshape and/or manage our self-image.

We’ve all tried “fake it until you make it” or “act like you’ve been there before.” But these ideas don’t last because our self-image doesn’t change. And if our self-image doesn’t change, neither do we. We can fake something all we want, but most of us are just trying to be real.

In 2020, be creative and spend some time in your imagination. Your self-image just may fall into place (along with other habits you’re working on).

Dismiss Those Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts are a part of life (if you didn’t know by now). Most people experience them on a regular basis. For some (including myself), it seems like the more we build ourselves up, the more a negative thought can tear us down. Especially when we’re just trying to do the best we can.

The best way to deal with a negative thought? Dismiss it right away. Seriously, don’t even give it the time of day.

When a negative thought is quickly dismissed, it has no time to impact our self-image. If that’s not enough, fewer negative thoughts tend to creep in once dismissal becomes a habit.

I know this is easier said than done, but making the effort is well worth it.

Be THAT Kind of Person

What kind of person do you want to be in 2017?

I’m the kind of person that complains when things don’t go my way.
I’m the kind of person that says things without taking others into consideration.
I’m the kind of person that eats anything.
I’m the kind of person that doesn’t like to go to the gym.


I’m the kind of person that endures regardless of the situation.
I’m the kind of person that thinks before I speak.
I’m the kind of person that eats fresh and healthy food.
I’m the kind of person that loves group fitness classes.

Keep in mind, your self-image will bend over backwards to fulfill any label you put on yourself.

So, what kind of a person do you want to be in 2020?

The power is in your hands.

Have a safe, happy, and healthy new year.